Fabulous, totally fabulous!
2014 Autumn Scavenger hunt, my last one so far.
Now, that all the albums where revealed in the ongoing scavenger hunt (15th hunt, 2015 spring), we all are still waiting for winners to be announced. I was not participating in this hunt as usual, rather i had another role, as a judge, this time. I was honoured with the title of an absolute winner in previous autumn 2014 hunt. The winner gets the pleasure to be one of the judges for the next hunt.
Judging was a really interesting experience. Wow. And really difficult. Follow Chrysta Rae on G+ and find out the winners of this hunt! :)
I see myself that i have made tremendous progress in photography while participating in photography scavenger hunts through the past 3 years. It was a wonderful boost for my motivation, creativity, photography and processing skills.
And i will definitely be signing up for the next round!
The list: The Letter C, Ghost, Funny Face, Candy, Autumn Colours, Romance, Abstract, When you See it, Animals Are Awesome, Witch.
Big thanks goes to models: Marina, Maaria, Martin-Eric, Ali, Julia, and Alge.

two 1st places
Honourable mention

2nd place
three honourable mentions

Letter C
1st place

Autumn colors
1st place
two 2nd places
Honourable mention
Adobe cloud subscribtion award

1st place
2 honourable mentions

Animals are awesome
1st place
Honourable mention

When you see it...

Funny face

