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Straight out of camera, baby!

Winter 2014, my photography scavenger hunt no. 5.

I think i had some creativity block during that hunt. I managed to produce few nice ideas, but all the other themes where kind of stretched and desperate.

One of the more interesting things in this hunt was again the category "Circle" - straight out of camera shot, where no digital processing was allowed. People and jury really liked my picture. I however till this day do not see anything interesting in that shot.

I also had much fun doing "fuchsia" shot. Thus started my fascination with strange hats and other headdresses. This shoot can also be marked as another turning point that influenced my photography and visual style.

I purposely skipped one category in this hunt - selfie. No way i am doing it. Ever. :)

Big tanks to my models: Omer, Hannu, Kasimir, Anatoli, Ija.

The list: Spicy, Fuchsia color, Careless, Circle - SOOC, Hungover, Rule of Thirds, Selfie, Embrace, Healthy, Steam.

circle by Rasa G-V.jpg

Circle (straight out of camera)

One 1st plave

One 2nd place

Honourable mention

fuchsia by Rasa G-V.jpg


One 2nd place

Honourable mention

That was fun to shoot :). My satin bed sheets came very handy for this shots. After the shooting, model was complaining his neck was hurting. The hat was really heavy... Well, all the sacrifices we do for art! :)

embrace by Rasa G-V.jpg


one 2nd plce

I had totally different idea for "embrace". However, beggars are not choosers, when it came to dealing with models... So i just hope i will be able to realize my original idea some time later.

hungover by Rasa G-V.jpg


Honourable mention

Yep, last minute panic has given me an inspiration for this one. The hardest topic for me, as i have no idea what the hungover is, as i do not drink. meaning, no alcohol at all, never in my life...

healthy by Rasa G-V.jpg


Not very fitting the topic, better name would be "expired date on drugs" :)

rule by Rasa G-V.jpg

Rule of Thirds

I was trying for rule of thirds, but instead i got Jack Frost.

steam by Rasa G-V.jpg


Shot one day before the deadline, just to get SOMETHING up. Any vampires around? Here is your glass of fresh hot steaming rhesus negative blood, type A...

spicy by Rasa G-V.jpg


I actually arranged this still life for another theme, but then i realized that it totally fits in to this category. And i just love the final color tone!

careless by Rasa G-V.jpg


There can be nothing more scarier that a kid with a knife... Or an adult, carelessly leaving a knife where the child can easily reach it.

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